I period 4 under första läsåret inom kandidatutbildningen väljer du ditt huvudämne. Huvudämnesvalet stöder dig i din studie- och karriärplanering.

Kursnyckeln till Moodle skickas via e-post till dem som inledde sina kandidatstudier hösten 2023. Kontakta studievagledare-hfors@hanken.fi om du inte fått kursnyckeln. 

I period 4 under första läsåret inom kandidatutbildningen väljer du ditt huvudämne. Huvudämnesvalet stöder dig i studie- och karriärplanering.

Kursnyckeln till Moodle skickas via e-post till dem som inledde sina kandidatstudier hösten 2022. Kontakta studievagledare-hfors@hanken.fi om du inte fått kursnyckeln. 

I period 4 under första läsåret inom kandidatutbildningen väljer du ditt huvudämne. Huvudämnesvalet stöder dig i studie- och karriärplanering.

Kursnyckeln till Moodle skickas via e-post till dem som inledde sina kandidatstudier hösten 2021. Kontakta studievagledare-hfors@hanken.fi om du inte fått kursnyckeln. 

This course has obtained top evaluations

The course comprises two parts:
- introduction to studies at Hanken and study skills
- Academic writing and reference techniques

During the course you get familiar with the characteristics of academic studies at Hanken, the role of the student in the academic community, study techniques and the use of time as well as practicalities at the study start, like course registration, making your schedule, the facilities, and student services. You will practice academic writing and reference techniques through lectures and written assignments.

The purpose of this course is three-fold. First, students are introduced to the basics of data acquisition, cleaning and formatting in preparation for analysis. Second, students are introduced to techniques that allow for basic statistical summary and data visualization techniques. Third, students are introduced to basic “Big Data” analytical techniques that help them “mine” data to determine important and relevant indicators of performance. The open source program R will be used in the course.

The course is mandatory for all master's degree students at Hanken who have started their master's studies 1.8.2018 or after.

Student who have begun their studies before 1.8.2018 can take the Global Competence module as two different parts of their degree:
- New seminar course 5 credits (given from 2019-2020 onwards) + Global competence module 5 credits both within the 90 credits major subject/track specific studies OR
- old seminar course 12 credits (given last time 2018-2019) within 90 credits major subject, and Global competence module 5 credits outside the 90 credits major subject/track specific studies as free electives.

This course has obtained top evaluations

The course comprises two parts:
- introduction to studies at Hanken and study skills
- Academic writing and reference techniques

During the course you get familiar with the characteristics of academic studies at Hanken, the role of the student in the academic community, study techniques and the use of time as well as practicalities at the study start, like course registration, making your schedule, the facilities, and student services. You will practice academic writing and reference techniques through lectures and written assignments.

This course has obtained top evaluations

The course comprises two parts:
- introduction to studies at Hanken and study skills
- Academic writing and reference techniques

During the course you get familiar with the characteristics of academic studies at Hanken, the role of the student in the academic community, study techniques and the use of time as well as practicalities at the study start, like course registration, making your schedule, the facilities, and student services. You will practice academic writing and reference techniques through lectures and written assignments.

I period 4 under första läsåret inom kandidatutbildningen väljer du ditt huvudämne inom denna obligatoriska kurs. Kursen stöder dig i studie- och karriärplanering.

Kursnyckeln skickas via e-post till dem som inledde sina kandidatstudier hösten 2020. Kontakta studievagledare-hfors@hanken.fi om du ska ta kursen men inte fått kursnyckeln. Detta gäller även äldre studerande som inte tagit kursen under sitt första studieår.

Kursen består av två delar:

  • introduktion till studier på Hanken samt studiefärdigheter 
  • akademiskt skrivande, referensteknik och formatering

Under kursen bekantar du dig med vad som kännetecknar akademiska studier, studerandes ställning i det akademiska samfundet, studieteknik och tidsanvändning samt det praktiska med studiestarten vid Hanken. Vetenskapligt skrivande, referensteknik och formatering tränas genom föreläsningar och en skriftlig uppgift. Du utvärderar också dina färdigheter i datasäkerhet genom ett självtest.

Kursen är enbart för studerande vid Hankens Öppna universitet. (Examensstuderande avlägger motsvarande kurs med koden 9999.) Kursanmälan sker via Öppna universitetets anmälningstjänst. Kursen är avgiftsfri.

This course has obtained top evaluations

The course comprises two parts:
- introduction to studies at Hanken and study skills
- Academic writing and reference techniques

During the course you get familiar with the characteristics of academic studies at Hanken, the role of the student in the academic community, study techniques and the use of time as well as practicalities at the study start, like course registration, making your schedule, the facilities, and student services. You will practice academic writing and reference techniques through lectures and written assignments.

This course has obtained top evaluations

The course comprises two parts:
- introduction to studies at Hanken and study skills
- Academic writing and reference techniques

During the course you get familiar with the characteristics of academic studies at Hanken, the role of the student in the academic community, study techniques and the use of time as well as practicalities at the study start, like course registration, making your schedule, the facilities, and student services. You will practice academic writing and reference techniques through lectures and written assignments.

I period 4 under första läsåret inom kandidatutbildningen väljer du ditt huvudämne inom denna obligatoriska kurs. Kursen stöder dig i studie- och karriärplanering.

Kursnyckeln distribueras i ett e-postutskick till de som inledde sina kandidatstudier hösten 2019. Kontakta studievagledare-Hfors@hanken.fi om du ska ta kursen men inte fått kursnyckeln.

Om du är andra årets kandidatstuderande eller äldre studerande som redan valt ditt huvudämne kan du göra en annan version av kursen. Ta kontakt med studievagledare-Hfors@hanken.fi.